Thursday, September 29, 2011


Generally, on weekdays and weekends, my calorie count is very much lower than the amount of calories I burn. This is so because I refrain from overeating as much as I can due to body image; it would be best to consume more and burn more, but I never seem to find the time to work out. I would have to consume more, and burn more. My diet is reasonably balanced; carbohydrates take up about 50% of my diet, and on weekends, my protein levels are similar to my fat levels. However, my ideal, ‘healthy’ diet should consists of 50% carbs and 48g of Proteins, which I lack on weekdays. On weekdays, I tend to eat more fats, probably because I enjoy eating the spicy fried chicken stick from Ko’s Kitchen. For both weekends and weekdays, I lack vitamins, calcium, fiber and iron, so I would have to eat more fruits, dairy products and nuts to raise those levels.

1 comment:

  1. Food Label Assignment - 10

    Nutritional Analysis Assignment
    Graphs - 10/10
    Paragraphs describing each paragraph - 5/5
    Paragraph comparing weekday diet with weekend diet - 5/5

    Final Grade 20/20

    Great job on this assignment Chan Mi
