Saturday, September 3, 2011


Steps to Improving Self-Esteem

If you want to improve your self-esteem, here are some steps to start empowering yourself:

* Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself. If you're used to focusing on your shortcomings, start thinking about positive aspects of yourself that outweigh them. When you catch yourself being too critical, counter it by saying something positive about yourself. Each day, write down three things about yourself that make you happy.

* Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection. Some people become paralyzed by perfection. Instead of holding yourself back with thoughts like, "I won't audition for the play until I lose 10 pounds," think about what you're good at and what you enjoy, and go for it.

* View mistakes as learning opportunities. Accept that you will make mistakes because everyone does. Mistakes are part of learning. Remind yourself that a person's talents are constantly developing, and everyone excels at different things — it's what makes people interesting.

* Try new things. Experiment with different activities that will help you get in touch with your talents. Then take pride in new skills you develop.

* Recognize what you can change and what you can't. If you realize that you're unhappy with something about yourself that you can change, then start today. If it's something you can't change (like your height), then start to work toward loving yourself the way you are.

* Set goals. Think about what you'd like to accomplish, then make a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan and keep track of your progress.

* Take pride in your opinions and ideas. Don't be afraid to voice them.

* Make a contribution. Tutor a classmate who's having trouble, help clean up your neighborhood, partictipate in a walkathon for a good cause, or volunteer your time in some other way. Feeling like you're making a difference and that your help is valued can do wonders to improve self-esteem.

* Exercise! You'll relieve stress, and be healthier and happier.

* Have fun. Ever found yourself thinking stuff like "I'd have more friends if I were thinner"? Enjoy spending time with the people you care about and doing the things you love. Relax and have a good time — and avoid putting your life on hold.

• try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.
I do think that I am lucky and special. But there are times when i get depressed due to workload and start to blame everything on my bad time management. Well, I just think that I’ll have to work on my time management skills – like getting offline when im working- so that i can deal my workload and get some sleep.
• exercise!
Im not really fit. I dont exercise much(except playing tennis twice a week) so i usually get stressed out when i step on the weighing machine. The best solution would be to exercise and eat much less, but I cant find the time to do that.
• aim for accomplishments rather than perfection
I admit that I am a perfectionist, and so when I dont get the best grades, I feel stupid. My mother keeps reminding me that personal best is what matters, but on the other hand, my father expects me to go to a prestigious university. I think I just need to do my best and keep on reminding myself that nobody is perfect.

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