Sunday, September 25, 2011


I do not have a healthy diet in the weekends. The nutrients I consume a lot, is Niacin and Manga, which is very healthy for my body. But I also take in considerable amounts of Carbohydrates, Protein, Vit B-6, Copper, phosphorus, selenium and thiamin. The nutrients my diet lacks are fiber vit a, vit B-12, vit D, Calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin. To consume more of the nutrients I lack, I should eat more vegetables, dairy, fruits, nuts and beans.

My weekend calorie count is quite balanced, although i eat a lot less than my peers(1,499 calories eaten). The greater part of my diet is made up of carbohydrates(57%) while my protein and fat levels are similar(21% protein and 22%fat).  This is probably because I do not eat much fast foods and most of my diet is based around 2 major meals(which mainly consists of rice, vegetables and meat) and a light breakfast.

On an average weekend day, I burn more calories than I eat. This is probably because I eat very little. But on the other hand, i do not burn much(2,285calories burned) because i never seem to have the time to do vigorous exercise. This is a problem because by the time i go to bed every weekend night, I would have less energy than before, which will target my growth. Overall, I need to balance my calories by eating more and burning more.

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