Wednesday, September 28, 2011


On a typical weekday, I dont consume any 'elements' over 200; I may have a few just over the 'necessary' levels(example- carbs, protein, vitB2, copper, manga, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin, selenium, thiamin), but I dont have anything that is more than enough. I really lack fiber, vit E, vit A, vit C, and iron. To balance out these levels, I need to consume more fresh fruits(which are rich in vitamins) and foods that are high in fiber and iron, such as oatmeal, raisins and beans.

The amount of calories I consume on a normal weekday is very low. I should be eating about 2,00 ~ 2,200 calories daily. About 50% of my diet consists of carbs, but I consume too much fat compared to proteins; my fat levels are twice as high than those of proteins. Of the fat levels, 15% of it made up by saturated fats, which is not good for my blood circulation. I need to lower my fat levels and consume more proteins.

On a typical weekday, I burn more than I consume; not because I exercise but because I consume much less than how much I burn. My body needs to find an extra 794 calories that are not provided through my diet. This has a negative effect on my growth because by the end of the day, body would have used all the 'consumed calories' - and would need more - just to run my body, and I wouldn't have enough nutrients to develop.

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