Sunday, September 4, 2011


State the decision.
Should I or should I not smoke?
List the possible decisions
1.     Smoking
2.     Not smoking
What are the consequences
1.     Smoking – greater possibility of getting cancer(of the larynx, mouth, pancreatic cancer and especially lung cancer), heart attacks, COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), emphysema, bronchitis, tuberculosis, female infertility. I may loose 18years of my life at most, and I may die of illmess due to smoking.
2.     Not smoking – I can live a long, healthy life. Avoid all sorts of diseses linked to tobacco, not get addicted to nicotine, have good breath and white teeth. Also, cope stress the ‘healthy’ way.
Make an Informed Decision
I wont smoke.
Evaluate your Decision
Think back to the effects of tobacco when I’m faced in such situations. 

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